Archives Collection
GRUPO INSTRUMENTAL Y VOCES USB                                 92-087

Physical description:

3 audio tapes (TCD-0176. TTA-0176A/B)


15 April 1993.


These audio tapes were made by Center audio specialist Bruce Nemerov.

Agency history:

The Grupo Instrumental Y Voces USB, of the Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas Venezuela was founded in 1971 as a typical school band. In 1977 and 1980 additional instruments were added and since 1982 voices have also been part of the ensemble. The ensemble has defined its works towards Venezuelan and Latin popular music. The ensemble's main purpose is to show a young and experimental popular without tying to preestablished rules. Albert Hernandez has conducted the group since 1981.

Scope and content:

In April of 1993 the Grupo visited Murfreesboro TN as part of the city's international folk festival. On 15 April 1993 they performed at the Middle Tennessee State University Alumni Center under the sponsorship of the John Wilhite, department of foreign languages.

A copy of the program from that concert, which includes additional information on the ensemble and on Albert Hernandez as well as a list of group members and brief annotations of the music performed follows as does a copy of the audio log prepared by Bruce Nemerov.


Audiovisual materials are filed first by format, then by tape number, in the audiovisual archives.